
Framed & Loose Prints


Interested in acquiring a printed copy of one of my images? Both framed and loose fine art giclée prints are available for selected images produced to order by Arthaus in the UK, the EU, the USA and Australia, and shipped worldwide.

Prints are available in several standard art sizes and supplied on heavyweight 100% archival white paper with an ultra-smooth matt finish that is both acid and lignin free and does not yellow over time. The paper is paired with pigment based UV inks guaranteed to maintain colours for 100 years. Frames are handmade with Ayous wood from sustainable sources certified by the Forest Stewardship Council and finished with a premium acrylic glaze which is stronger, lighter and offers better UV protection than glass. These products are supplied ready to hang in any home, office or business.

Secure payments are accepted in 17 different currencies. Shipping is free for all orders sent to addresses in the UK and also free for unframed prints for the USA and Australia. It's also possible to send a framed print as a gift with a personalised gift note included, but no price or payment details. Due to data protection laws, unless a purchaser contacts me directly I have no idea who acquires my work as I am informed only that a sale has occurred. So, if you have already purchased a print of mine please accept my gratitude.

To browse the selection of available images please click the icon below. If you would like a copy of an image not in that selection, please contact me directly. Thank you for considering my work.